Here as of late I have taken special notice to the differences between myself as a mother vs others. I always thought that what I did for my children was the same as what any mother would do. There have been things in my life that have brought it to my attention that this is not necessarily a truth.
Today is the day that everyone tells there Mom how great and wonderful she is and how she is the best. I have no poem or rhyming words. For me there are truly no words for what I feel for my mom.
I am very thankful to have a Mom that set a standard for me. My Mom is a real live Momma bear that is protective, loving, supportive, caring, willing to do whatever it takes, dedicated, gentle, creative, resilient, and hardworking mother. Mom, you have always been there for me, ups and downs and all that stuff in between. Everything that is good about me is because of you. You might think that I didn't listen or that I didn't understand but I did and I thank you for never giving up on me.
Beyond all of your Mom qualities you some how mange to be just an amazing Grandmother to my children. They simple adore you! We love you today and everyday. I hope you have wonderful Mother's Day!
Thank you. I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments . What you are God put there before you were born. I'm thankful God truth me enough to be your mother. You always make me feel very special. I thank God I'm your
your mom looks lovely GReat